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As much as you love doing #allthethings yourself...

you’re still ‘a tad’ overwhelmed with all the


Don’t sweat it buddy! I got you!

Because… let’s be honest, the only time you enjoy sweating is during a hot vinyasa class. Amiright?


hey friend! I’m Maggie.
brand strategist, travel enthusiast, cat lover, and yogi.

I’ve got a lot of things on my bucket list, and guess what… working 9-5, filling corporate pockets isn’t on there.

Yours either? Color me *not surprised.*

I started kittyShark to help you say “sayonara” to a 9-5 for good, and mindfully pursue the work that you’re passionate about. The work that fills your soul with joy, the work that is in service to others, and on top of it all, the work that cussing matters my friend!


But let’s be honest, entrepreneurship can be stupid hard sometimes.

It hasn’t quite been the day at the beach you’d imagined when you decided to be your own boss. 

 Perhaps it looks a bit more like:

  • Staying up way past your “bed-time” squinting your eyes at the computer screen and wondering if your DIY design fits your brand vision,

  • Going back and forth over color palettes until your eyes water and they all start to look kinda the same, and/or

  • Spending hours and hours scouring the web for CSS code that will elevate the look of your site, only to discover that finding it and installing it, are two very different things.


Technical skills or no,

You deserve a stunning
brand identity and website

that brings out your authentic purpose.

Not to worry friend!

I have over a decade of experience, and all the technical know-how to guide you through a collaborative, soul-centered process to clarify your brand strategy and align your brand visuals and online home with your unique goals and intentions.

I spent years learning what it takes to create an effective brand strategy and how to implement it so that you don’t have to! I’m just as strategic when it comes to web design. Because if it doesn’t have intention behind it, it’s not going to be very effective.

If serving others through your work, IS on your bucket list, but you need a little (or a lot) of hand-holding to get your brand and website in alignment, then I’m your girl!


I’m like a kittyShark in water when it comes to branding and web design.

Oh, the kittyShark is an excellent swimmer btw. ;)


Website + Brand Packages

See what it's like to work together


Custom Website

A strategic and custom website aligned with your brand and mission. Plus content and SEO strategy planning guides and sessions.


Brand Experience

Clarity on your brand strategy with a soul-centered approach that gets to the heart of your brand to create an authentic brand identity.


More of my story...

After years of feeling burnt out in my 9-5 corporate job, I realized that I had zero passion for the creative work I was doing. Though I gained tons of experience, no amount of money or better health benefits could make me fall in love with the work. Sitting in that office was eating my soul.

I began to question whether I even wanted to be a graphic designer. 🤷 Had I racked up all that student debt for nothing?

That’s when I decided to take a yoga teacher training. And guess what?

No, I did not become a yoga teacher (though I did follow through and get certified ✔).

I found my creativity brought back to life! My yoga practice was shining a light on the real problem (as it almost always does). That passion for design that I’d felt as a student was pouring back into my life.

There was a huge disconnect between what I wanted to be doing with my creative work and what I was actually doing.

It was time to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship and finally serve others in a way that felt authentic.




I may not have become a yoga teacher, but my practice is something I bring to work with me every day.

Yoga /ˈyōɡə/  to yoke, to bring together, to connect.

My work is all about connecting your authentic purpose with a clear strategy and intentional visuals that support your vision and resonate with the people you serve.



Are you like me?

You said, fork all this fake, corporate, 9-5 nonsense,” and made it your mission to do work that lights up your soul, aligns with your values, and serves others.

Want to know something that’s actually on my bucket list?

Helping you uncover the heart and soul of your brand so you can go out into the world feeling confident and pumped about doing the game-changing work that fills you with joy and a sense of purpose.


 Just a couple other things I’ve got on my bucket list:


Don’t run off without your free guide…


Ideal Client Discovery Guide


Discover exactly who your ideal client is so that you can write messaging that resonates with them on a soul level.

By joining my mailing list you receive 1-2 monthly emails from me and can opt out any time. You also get access to my Website Strategy 101 Workbook.
